Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tin Can Tourists

I've long since wanted to go to the Tin Can Tourists Gathering.  It's held in Milford, MI which is not far (in my terms) but for some reason or another, we've never made it in past years.  This year, I wanted to go and show off the Argosy.  Andrea stumped about being stuck with the kids while I went off an saw campers / socialized; which is a valid complaint.  So, I arranged for a daughter of some friends that I knew would be at TCT to babysit  for us for a few hours on Saturday so that Andrea and I could go see campers (Thanks especially to Hannah and the entire Asselin family for helping to keep our kids occupied for the weekend).  Since this blog is first and foremost about camping with my family, the pictures relating to the kids come first...campers second.

We released night lanterns (Thanks, Kathy!).  Parker is watching his go off into the distance while Andrea helps Mason with his.

Mason's is almost ready to go!

There it goes.

Mason seems more enthused with Hannah's lantern than his own.

Still working on getting Mason's to go.

DJ working on getting his off the ground.  Mason is equally enthused.

DJ about to let go...
 And now, on to the cool campers we saw...

Antique camping gear demonstration.  They had cool stuff back then (1927).