We were out to eat last night at "the flying buffalo" as Parker calls it (Buffalo Wild Wings, or BW3 as most of us know it). We don't go there often as it's not the greatest food, but the kids love mini corn dogs and they can be loud and obnoxious and no one minds. Parker has been asking for it for 2 weeks now and we've overruled him many times. Eventually we had to give in. So we were there last night and the kids were given crayons. Parker quickly colored his "place mat" and was then bored. So Andrea told him to flip it over and draw his own picture. I suggested a campsite. Parker did an incredible campsite drawing with the limited 4 colors he was given. Being the dedicated parents we are, naturally we put the drawing in the table's condiment / menu caddy and forgot to take it with us when we left. So this morning I asked Parker to draw me another campsite, but this time with all of the art supplies that he has at his disposal at home. I must say, his idea of what a campsite looks like is pretty constant because this is exactly what he drew last night at the flying buffalo, just now with correct colors. I'm actually surprised that he didn't draw the motor home. The kids seem to like it better. Maybe it's because he knows that the next trip we go on will be with the trailer.
Great Picture! I love the external heater just don't let it get too close to the tires ;)!